
Resource status of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) in the Pearl River Estuary

  • 摘要: 以珠江口为研究区域,在珠海市金湾区泥湾门桥以南至三灶机场东侧金沙滩旅游区对开海区设置固定监测点,定点监测了日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)种苗捕捞情况,对鳗苗捕捞情况与资源量的年际变化等进行了分析。结果发现,珠江口采集到的鳗苗体长多为50 mm左右,呈透明柳叶状,处于柳叶鳗和玻璃鳗之间;估算出珠海地区鳗苗资源量2011年~2012年为901.22×104尾,2012年~2013年为893.88×104尾,2013年~2014年为3 487.35×104尾,相比于前2年,2013年~2014年的资源量显著增加,且2011年~2014年鳗苗高峰期出现时间逐年往后移。监测分析结果为更好地掌握珠海地区鳗苗资源的变化状态、促进该区域渔业资源的保护提供基础性数据及理论支持,但是由于监测年数有限,最终的变化规律仍需进一步的观测。


    Abstract: We set the sampling sties along the Pearl River Estuary from south Niwan Bridge, Jiwan Strict, Zhuhai, to Golden Beach tourist area, the eastern of Sanzhao airport to investigate the fishing status of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) and inter-annual variation of eel fishing, the amount of resources and so on. The body length of eel collected was about 50 mm, transparent willow-like, between willow eel and glass eel; the estimated amount of eel resources in Zhuhai was about 901.22×104 ind. during 2011~2012, 893.88×104 ind. during 2012~2013 and 3 487.35×104 ind.during 2013~2014. Compared with the previous two years, a significant increase was found in the amount of resources during 2013~2014. Besides, from 2011 to 2014, the time of peak amount occurrence appeared backward year by year. The study helps to understand the dynamics of eel in Zhuhai, providing basic data for protection of estuarine fishery resources. However, due to the limited monitoring years, the final variation still needs further observation.


