
Distribution characteristics of intertidal macrobenthos around Jiangsu islands

  • 摘要: 2007年春、秋2季对江苏北部的东西连岛、车牛山岛、达山岛及平山岛4个海岛设置9条断面进行潮间带底栖生物调查。共发现潮间带生物127种,种类组成以藻类居首位(占35.43%),其次为软体类(占28.35%),甲壳类居第三(占16.54%)。内湾海岛共发现56种,主要种类为软体类;外海海岛92种,主要种类为藻类。优势种主要有白条地藤壶(Chthamalus withersi)、厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)和褶牡蛎(Alectryonella plicatula)。该区域潮间带生物平均生物量4 150.42 g · m-2,以软体类最高(占81.93%)。平均生物密度17 642 ind · m-2,以甲壳类最高(占76.91%)。不同生境的生物量分布为外海>内湾;不同潮区的生物量分布为低潮区>中潮区>高潮区;季节分布为秋季>春季。


    Abstract: We explored the macrobenthos community in nine intertidal sections around Dongxilian Island, Cheniushan Island, Dashan Island and Pingshan Island in northern Jiangsu in spring and autumn of 2007.127 species were found in this area, 35.43% of which are algae while 28.35% are mollusk and 16.14% are crustacean. Fifty-six species were found in the embayed waters, among which the main species are mollusk. Ninety-two species were found in the open sea and algae are the main species. The dominant species are Chthamalus withersi, Mytilus coruscus and Alectryonella plicatula. The average biomass is 4 150.42 g · m-2, with mollusk being the highest (81.89%); the average density is 17 642 ind · m-2 and crustacean is the highest (76.91%).The biomass in the open sea is higher than that in the embayed waters, and the order of tidal biomass from high to low is low tidal area > middle tidal area > high tidal area. The biomass in autumn is higher than that in spring.


